
August 20, 2024

Ah, a new semester!

This go around, I'm teaching at two institutions. At UT Dallas, I'm once again teaching Game Studies I, which has certainly become a highlight of my academic development. The students have always been extremely excited to learn and collaborate, and I'm eager to see how things shape up this Fall.

I'm also teaching at the University of North Texas, as I was asked to teach their Digital Media and Society course. While I certainly couldn't resist putting a couple of games on the syllabus, this class does give me the chance to engage with students about all kinds of digital media--including Neocities! But more importantly, I'm going to be engaging with a whole new campus as an adjunct, so I hope my new students take a liking to me and to the course.

In the meantime, I'll be applying for more permanent positions around the US and abroad, trying to dress up my writing for publication, and occasionally tinkering with this website. For those of you who are visiting for the first time, please look around and let me know what you think! And as always, here's the eternal reminder that this little corner of the Internet is a work in progress and a living website, so until further notice:

Under Construction!