January 19, 2025
A few short updates, as I'm finishing up my prep for the Spring semester!
First off, I'm still on the hunt for a full-time position, as my partner and I are hoping to leave Texas before the end of the year. While Dallas has been kind to us for the past 7 years, we're hoping to relocate someone a little cooler and where traffic is just a bit nicer.
Second, I am hoping to find some summer work, as my adjuncting only pays me through the semester. If anyone happens to have a class--even an online-only one!--my email is always open.
Lastly, regardless of whatever is going on or what troubles come our way, I always think back to how far we've come, even as I recognize how much further we have left to go. I'm still grateful to those who have helped me get to where I am today, and I hope that I too can help someone get to where they need to go in the future.
In the meantime, please look around my humble website and let me know what you think! I try to post updates when I get a moment, and I have an idea or two bouncing around in my head on ways to expand the site. But as always, here's the eternal reminder that this little corner of the Internet is a work in progress, so until further notice this website is: