
March 30, 2024

I have successfully defended my dissertation! I need to make a few edits to clarify some of my points, but this years-long project is finally almost over.

Well, for now. On the one hand, I could see turning it into a full-length manuscript, but my particular brand of attention deficit has been steadily losing interest in this topic for months now. Perhaps I just need to work on another avenue of research for a bit or expand the scope of the project beyond what I have written. On the other hand, there were a lot of core problems that I kept running into while writing the dissertation that might require a full re-do.

However it goes, I'm currently focusing on the immediate issue: post-graduation. I'm still waiting to hear back from various institutions and am working on more applications for teaching at in an adjunct pool while I'm still in DFW. I'll post any updates as I get them, of course.

And for those of you who are visiting, here's the eternal reminder that this little corner of the Internet is a work in progress and a living website, so until further notice:

Under Construction!