
July 9, 2024

I've added a new page and shuffled a few things around. The Gallery features a few photos I've taken, though I'll admit they will remain rather sparse in number until I figure out how to tile them nicely. The Library also has two new sections: the Courses & Syllabi is self-explanatory, but my personal work has also been compiled and uploaded. If you've ever wanted to see the terrible undergraduate papers of a scholar or want to retrace my academic journey, go right on ahead. I hope you enjoy reading!

July 1, 2024

Hello again!

Thank you to the folx at TCU Center for Digital Expression for the Computers and Writing 2024 conference and for allowing me the space to share my research on labor economies in online role playing games. And thank you to my fellow presenter, Jasmine Liang!

In the run-up to the fall semester, I'm currently working on my skills with the Godot game engine and intend to make a few games to test out some of its features. I've got a few ideas: including a digital board game and a Pokémon Snap-esque rail-photography experience wherein one takes photos of various superheroes. I'm calling it "Marvellous Snap" in my head, but that might have some legal issues...

Anyway, I'll be making a space for those projects here on the website soon. And for those of you who are visiting for the first time, please look around and let me know what you think! As always, here's the eternal reminder that this little corner of the Internet is a work in progress and a living website, so until further notice:

Under Construction!