This page features my own writing from across my academic journey. I have included links to as many as I am able to, either via my own PDF copies or the publisher's website.
- "Roll$20: Economies of Labor in Online Role-Playing Games." Proceedings of the Computers & Writing Conference, 2024 (Link to full journal here.)
Research in Progress
- "If you're going to kill people, do it indiscriminately": Negotiating the Monstrous in Dead by Daylight. Submission for an edited collection.
- "'We're All Animals': Tiger King, Animal Crossing, and Animal Media in Lockdown." Journal article.
- "A Different Kind of Power Fantasy: Tabletop Role-Playing Games and Empowering Media." Journal article.
The Student Papers
Note: the following papers are not peer-reviewed publications. I may be a Ph.D. now, but it took a lot of time, effort, and stumbling through my words to get there. I imagine many scholars have hidden away all their term papers and scraps of articles, offering their best work as evidence of their credentials. I, however, want this website to truly be an archive of my work and a testament to my evolution as a scholar. That includes my terrible, cringe-inducing freshman year papers, among many others. I hope that someday they'll prove helpful to an up-and-coming writer to know that everyone has to start somewhere.
Spring 2024 - Fall 2018 (Ph.D. Years)
While a good chunk of my Ph.D. Years consisted of working on my dissertation through an international pandemic, I'm quite proud of some of these. You might notice an odd space between 2020 and 2022. I didn't misplace anything; 2021 was a very, very rough year physically and mentally. Got a lot of reading done, at least!
- Pandemic Fantasies: Discourses of Escapism During COVID-19 (Dissertation) - Spring 2024
- Role-Playing World-Making: Tabletop Role Playing Games as Utopian Practice (Conference Paper) - Spring 2023
- Disenchanting the Magic Circle (Conference Paper) - Summer 2022
- Narrative Media Qualifying Exam - Fall 2020
- Fandom Studies Qualifying Exam - Fall 2020
- Queer Theory Qualifying Exam - Fall 2020
- A Different Kind of Tactics: Subverting Dungeons & Dragons - Spring 2020
- Holding Hands Project Reflection - Spring 2019
- Ace Pilots and Queer Mecha - Spring 2019
- From Clowns to Google Bombs: The Evolution of Digital Hate - Fall 2018
- 'Pay-2-Playbour': Manufactured Difficulty and the Rise of the Lifestyle Game - Fall 2019
Spring 2018 - Fall 2016 (Masters Years)
Here I start coming into my own as a scholar, finding ways to integrate my research into fan cultures, games and narrative media, and just a tiiiiiny bit of queer theory. 2016 was a year to remember for a lot of reasons (and not all of them good), but I did my best to make them memorable for good reasons. Though I certainly won't forget locking myself in my office for a day to finish the first chapter of my thesis, that's for sure...
- Teaching Electronic Literature: Methods and Integration (Master's Thesis) - Spring 2018
- Joseph Conrad and the Need for Adaptations - Spring 2017
- Victor Frankenstein and Hollywood's Mangled Frankenstein Narratives - Fall 2016
- Romance of the Rose's Two Authors: Manuscript Tradition and Medieval Fan Fiction - Fall 2016
Spring 2016 - Fall 2013 (Bachelor Years)
Very early work. I was still trying to figure out what to do with my life and learning, waffling between being an English Lit teacher or something else. Thanks to the advice of Dr. Julia Guernsey-Pitchford at ULM, I slowly pushed outside the confines of the page. This was also a time of a lot of soul searching into who I was and who I wanted to be.